Fashion Revolution Week 2022

Fashion Revolution Week 2022

In 2013, the Rana Plaza, a building in Bangladesh, which held five garment factories, and employed around 5,000 people collapsed. The people working in the building were manufacturing clothing for many of the largest global fashion brands. The collapse killed at least 1,132 people – mostly young women – and another 2,500 were injured, making it the fourth largest industrial disaster in history. Five months earlier, 112 workers lost their lives in the Tazreen Fashions factory when a fire broke out and they were trapped inside. 
These disasters brought attention to the issue of unsafe working conditions especially in Bangladesh and all over the world. Because many of these factories are not following standards, collapses and fires are not rare. Fashion Revolution Week was created to bring awareness and change to the Fashion Industry because no one should die for fashion. 
“The theme for this year’s Fashion Revolution Week is MONEY FASHION POWER. The mainstream fashion industry is built upon the exploitation of labor and natural resources. Wealth and power are concentrated in the hands of a few, and growth and profit are rewarded above all else. Big brands and retailers produce too much too fast and manipulate us into a toxic cycle of overconsumption. Meanwhile, the majority of people that make our clothes are not paid enough to meet their basic needs, and already feel the impacts of the climate crisis – which the fashion industry fuels. As global citizens, we all have the power to take action. Now is the time to rise up together for a regenerative, restorative, and revolutionary new fashion system. Now is the time for a Fashion Revolution.” (Source)
So, what is Cat & Dogma doing to ensure safe working conditions, fair and equal pay, and combat environmental issues surrounding the fashion industry?
We abide by a stringent voluntary global standard for our entire supply chain, from farming our organic cotton to spinning, knitting, dyeing, and manufacturing our garments. The standard prohibits the use of toxic chemicals during the processing stage and includes strong labor provisions as well as a prohibition on child or forced labor.
Cat & Dogma partners with GOTS to certify our entire supply chain. Having one organic certification that is accepted in all major markets means textile processors and manufacturers can export their fabrics and garments easily. As transparency is very important to us, it gives you the power to choose truly organic products guaranteed to be sourced from eco-friendly supply chains. 

All conditions necessary to keep a GOTS certification are checked by a 3rd party system. We undergo regular audits to ensure the following practices are implemented. 
  • Employment is freely chosen
  • Working conditions are safe and hygienic
  • Workers are paid living wages
  • Working hours are not excessive
  • No discrimination is practiced
  • Regular employment is provided
  • Inhumane treatment is prohibited
  • Forced or child labor must not be used.
Like “organic food” 20 years ago, the idea of organic cotton can be confusing. Convention cotton is sprayed with chemicals that affect the air, water, soil, and health of people who live in the surrounding areas. On the other hand, “organic cotton is grown using methods and materials that have a low impact on the environment.” (Source) Pesticides and synthetic fertilizers are not used in the growing of organic cotton. Also, the dyes and inks do not contain heavy metals or toxins. While the initial cost of organic cotton is more expensive, the long-term impact on the environment is priceless. 
Overconsumption is a huge issue in our world today. We combat this issue by making small batches of high-quality inventory that will last for many years. Once your little one has grown out of their clothes, we recommend passing down or donating them. 
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